dimanche 13 mars 2011

Les personnages de Cassandra Clare répondent à nos questions - 2ème épisode (Trad VF)

Comme promis, la semaine dernière (voir l'article) voici le Q/A de Cassandra Clare de cette nuit. Désolée pas de traduction pour cette fois, je n'ai pas le temps, mais je vous les ai toutes regroupées. Avec un traducteur vous pourrez facilement vous faire une petite idée.

Comme d'habitude il y a des spoilers sur les trois premiers tomes de La Cité des ténèbres et sur Clockwork Angel (mais seulement dans la deuxième partie de l'article, après toutes celles qui concernent La Cité des ténèbres). Le prochain aura lieu à la fin du mois d'avril.

J'ai tout d'abord mis celles de Jace à part parce que ce sont toujours mes préférées, puis toutes celles qui concernent la Cité des Ténèbres, et enfin celle de The Infernal Devices sont à la fin.

Jace (That's my Jace <3) Oyé Oyé Tess vous a traduit la plupart des citations de Jace ! Alors, n'est-elle pas adorable ?? Donc toutes les traductions ci-dessous sont sa propriété et elle m'a gentiment permis de les utiliser. Pour la remercier n'hésitez pas à aller lui faire un petit coucou sur son blog par ici :) Merci ma Tessie !

" Jace, would you rather spend the day with Simon or Magnus? You have to choose one!" easy - Magnus.

" Jace how much do u dislike Simon?" Eleven.

"Jace: what would you do if Clary dies?" She's not going to.
Jace, que ferais-tu si Clary mourrait ? Elle ne mourra pas.

" Jace: what type of girls do you like? Do you have a thing for redheads?" Especially the small, fiesty ones.

" Jace: Were you always a romantic, or does Clary just bring it out in you?" I used to think love destroyed you, so...
Jace, as-tu toujours été un romantique, ou c’est Clary qui a fait ressortir cela ? Je pensais « aimer c’est détruire » donc…

" Jace: Whats the limit to your love with Clary?" I haven't found it yet.
Jace, quelle est la limite de ton amour pour Clary ? Je n’ai pas encore trouvé

" Jace, define yourself in three words." Better than sex.
Jace, definis-toi en 3 mots : Mieux que le sexe

" jace, did u ever think you could be w/clary after you found out she was your "sister"?" I suggested it, if you recall.

"Jace: If a girl/guy came up to you and said they loved you,how would you reply?" Line forms to the left.

" Jace, if you were forced to kiss either a Simon or Sebastian, who would you choose? Pick one." The non-murderer, thanks.

Jace: How many girls have you dated?" Jace: one, two, three, four — do twins count as one or two?
Jace, tu es sorti avec combien de filles ? Jace, une, deux trois quatre, - est-ce que les jumelles comptent pour une ou deux ?

"Jace, Do you love Clary unconditionally?" Yes. *looks grouchy*
Jace, aimes-tu Clary inconditionnellement ? Oui. “regard grincheux”

" Jace: For how long did you know Alex was gay?" Oh, I don't know. Just always did. Never that important.

" JACE why u dont speak romanian anymore?" It doesn't come up much.

" Jace, I have to ask: Did it hurt? When you fell from Heaven, I mean. ;)" Is that a pick-up line?

" Jace, do YOU have any non-shadowhunter tattoos?" No.

" jace, have you ever considered getting a tattoo with clary's name?" Bit of silly thing for a shadowhunter to do.

" Jace, are you ever self conscious about your looks?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA no.
Jace, es-tu conscient de ton look ? (pas besoin de traduction, lol)

" Jace: What does the future hold for you and Clary?" I can't see the future.

" Jace, would you still love Clary of she were a vampire?" Jace: Yes.
Jace, aimerais-tu toujours Clary qui elle était un vampire ? Oui.

"Jace, Clary thinks that fighting for you is like sex. Is it true?" Only in the sense that I like to be good at both.
Jace, Clary pense que pour toi te battre équivaut au sexe. C’est vrai ? Seulement dans le sens où j’aime être bon au deux.

"Jace, sending Clary poems. Don't u think that's just a tad cheesy? Mundane?"If you think art is cheap, I feel sorry for you.
Anyway, do you think we Shadowhunters don't have our own painters? Artists? Poets? Writers? - Jace. (shutting him up now)

" Jace, what do you think about having a baby in the future?" Like most 16 year old boys, I would prefer an unexploded bomb.
Jace, que penserais-tu d’avoir un bébé dans le future ? Comme tous les garçons de 16 ans, je préfèrerai une bombe non explosées.

" Jace, do you think of Clary as the one for you, the one you'd want to marry?" Of course.
Jace, penses-tu que Clary est celle qui t’est destinée, celle que tu voudrais épouser ? Bien sur

" Jace: do you practice fighting with Clary?" Sometimes.

" Jace: How do u feel about Imogen sacraficing herself for u?" I wish I'd known who she was.
Jace, que ressens-tu par rapport au faite qu’Imogen se soit sacrifée pour toi ? Je souhaite avoir su qui elle était

" Jace,, how do you feel when you know Clary kissed Jonathan?" Like throwing up.

" Jace: would u ever die for Clary, like to save her life?" Of course.
Jace, mourrais-tu pour Clary, pour lui sauver la vie ? Bien sur

" Jace, do you have any guilty pleasure?" Ideally the majority of them are at least a little guilty./

"Jace, where would you take Clary for a romantic vacation?" Going anywhere with me is romantic. Well, maybe not Newark.
Jace, où emenerais-tu Clary pour des vacances romantiques ? N’importe où avec moi c’est romantique, bon peut-être pas Newark.

" Jace: did you feel relieved when you found out Clary was not your sister?" No, I was hoping to go down in history as an infamous pervert.
Jace, t’es-tu senti soulagé lorsque tu as appris que Clary n’était pas ta soeur ? Non je pensais entrer dans l’histoire comme le pervers le plus tristement célèbre.

"Jace-why did you date all those girls?" Why deprive them?
Jace, pourquoi être sorti avec toutes ces filles ? Pourquoi les en priver ?

"Jace- what do you love most about Clary?" When you love someone, you don't categorize the things you love about them there isn't anything about them you'd want to live without.
Jace, qu’aimes-tu le plus chez Clary ? Quand on aime quelqu’un, on ne met pas dans des catégories les choses qu’on aime, il n’y a simplement rien dont je voudrais vivre sans.

" Jace, how tall are you?" About 5'11. Are you measuring me for something?

" Jace: What did u first notice about Clary?" That red hair is hard to miss.Then the glare-girls don't usually glare at me.

" Jace: Can I have an autographed pair of your undies?" I've sold them all on ebay to buy Clary a pony.
Since everyone wants to know: Jace did not really sell all his underwear. And he wears boxers. Aaaaaaand that's it for questions!
Jace, puis-je avoir un autographe sur un de tes sous-vêtements ? Je les ai tous vendus sur ebay pour acheter un poney a Clary. Mais puisque tout le mond veut savoir : Jace n’a pas vraiment vendu ses sous-vêtements. Et il porte des boxer. Ettttt c’est pour pour cette question !

" JACE:Do you like Latina girls?" I only love one girl. Now, if you'd gotten me last year..(Clary hits him upside the head)
Jace, aimes-tu les filles latines ? Je n’aime qu’une seule fille. Mais maintenant si tu m’avais demandé l’année passée…(Clary le frappa à la tête)

La Cité des Ténèbres

" Jace, Alec & Isabelle who is the better fighter of you three?" Jace. Then Izzy.

"Magnus: Ever juggle a girlfriend and a boyfriend at the same time?" Sure.

" Magnus, have you ever stayed in a relationship until the other person died of old age?" Of course.

" Clary: what's the worst drawing you've ever made?" Um.... I used to draw people so they looked like parking meters.

"Jocelyn: Do you think Clary has truly forgiven you for stealing her memories?" No, sadly.

"Jocelyn: How do you feel about Sebastian - as his mother?" I don't think of him as my son.

" Jocelyn - What do you think of jace with clary?" I worry.

"Valentine: were you ever romantically involved with anyone besides Jocelyn?" No.

" Izzy, have you always liked Simon?" He phases in and out of annoying me. RT @SwiftBeliebe13: " Jem: are you sometimes jealous of Will?" No. Not ever.

" Simon: would you change the love of your life to be with them forever or end your life when theirs is up?" Neither.

" Raphael, Do you have a girlfriend?" No.

" Clary, do you regret that you'll never finish high school with Simon?" I miss him, but not high school.

" Clary: How would you want Jace to propose to you if he did?" In six years.

" Jocelyn: would Valentine ever cheat on you?" No, I don't think he ever did. He had his own sense of honor, it was just not like everyone else's.

" Simon will you marry me??" My, how sudden

Clary: what's been the most romantic thing Jace's done?" Sent me a card every month on the day we first kissed with a different poem in it.
" Oh please say the bit w/Jace sending the poems to Clary will show up in the new TMI books!" It might. :D
Clary, qu’elle est la chose la plus romantique que Jace ait faite ? M’envoyer une carte chaque mois le jours de notre premier baiser avec un poème différent à l’intérerieur. Ohh svp pourra-t-on voir les poèmes que Jace envoie à Clary dans les prochains tomes de La Cité des Ténèbres ? Possible.. ;-)

" Clary, what is the worst thing about be in love with jace?" Not getting to see him often enough.

" Clary, do you regret have kissed your brother?" Clary: Blech, yes.

" Church: my cat wants to know do you get better treats than other cats?" Church: bites you.
All Church does is bite. He's a cat.

" Magnus, what's the first word that pops into your head when you think of Alec?" 18 year old boyfriend w/a stamina rune.

" Clary, do you ever wish that you hadn't discovered Jace, Izzy and Alec at pandemonium" No.

" Maryse: do u not like Clary for Jace? And if so Why?" Too much, too fast, too young.

" Magnus, how much do you love Alec compared to your past relationships?" Love's not like that.

" Luke, you haven't gotten any questions yet...so...how's life?" Pretty good. Getting married.

" Jocelyn: Did you really love Valentine?" Once.

" Camille, what do you think of Alec?" Looks familiar.

" Alec, if Magnus wanted to make you over, would you let him?" Now, we've been through this . . . no.

" Clary: what are you most looking forward in your future with Jace?" Peace and quiet?

" JC/Sebastian: Sincerely, have you ever kissed another girl besides Clary?" Many. Usually to a better response.

 Sebastian, have you met Maia?" Who?

"Clary,do you regret or kind of guilty after choose Jace beside Simon?" Guilty but not regretful.

"Magnus, who is hotter, Jace or Alec?" Jace. I'm just dating Alec to get close to him. It' a long game.

" Max, who do you miss most?" My mom.

" Alec, who do you think would be your shadowhunter-brother if you hadn't met Jace?" No one.

" Clary, if you had to choose: Vampires or werewolves? (don't cheat and say 'Shadowhunter!'" Vampires. Obviously.

" Jocelyn, are you proud of Clary for embracing her heritage?" NO. X_X

" Simon: if you could have Clary right now, would you?" In the biblical sense????

" Alec; are you glad you came out to your family?" Yes, it was the right thing to do.

" Valentine: Are you still in love with Jocelyn?" Never loved anyone else.

" Alec: Will you and Magnus be at the Pride Parade?" Magnus will be the Grand Marshall.

" CHURCH: what's the most annoying things the humans do?" Church: bites you.

" Church, are you planning on taking over the world? ARE YOU??" Church: bites you.

" Magnus: All these years later, even though you are with Alec now, do you ever think of Camille?" Sometimes.

" Maryse what do you think abou the relationship between Magnus and Alec?" I'm getting used to it.

"Valentine, what would you say if i told you that your ex and bestfriend are going to get married?" I'm not surprised.

" Simon: Do you think you and Clary would be together if she had never met Jace?" I know it.

" Isabelle:would u like to have Clary as your parabatai?" Well, she kind of sucks. At Shadowhunting. I like her generally.

" Maryse Lightwood: What do you think about the relationship of Jace with Clary??" Hmph. Doomed.

" Mayse, I know you're okay with Alec being gay, but what do you think of Magnus?' Not ideal but Alec could do worse.

" Luke, would you like a child of your own with Jocelyn, or is Clary enough?" It would be nice but Clary is enough.

" Seelie Queen; Why do you like picking on Clary and Jace?" I find true love annoying.

" Jocelyn, what about Jace & Clary's relationship worries you? It's obvious u could trust him w/ her." I don't know that.

" Magnus, do you ever think about your parents? Do you miss either of them?" My mother.

"Sebastian: What did you mean when u said 2 Isabelle “I’m sorry it’s you. See, out of all of them, I liked you the best.” Seems

" Alec: Going into a relationship with Magnus, were you afraid of dying and leaving him?" No... more that he'd get bored.

" Magnus, how do u feel about your father?" My real father?

" Izabelle: would u date Roiben, if u're both free, or r u done w/ faerie guys ?" @hollyblack is here and laaaaaughing.

" Magnus, who's better looking? Jace, Will or Alec?" Right, ask that one in front of my boyfriend, thanks.

" Magnus: You say real father, so you had an "adoptive" father? Who was he?" The one I killed.

"Clary, did uever imagine the guy ud fall in love w/ wuld b Jace? Someone w/ his personality & looks?" Definitely not.

" Simon how's your band?" We suck like usual. We have a fan though.

" Magnus,, how do you feel when the first time you met Alec?" That feeling you get when you know someone is going to be important to you, but you don't know how yet.

" Alec, How does it feel knowing Magnus will likely be the love of your life, but that you can't be the love of his?" This just seems an attempt to make Alec feel insecure.

" Valentine, wuld u b cool if Sebastion had a thing 4 his own sister?" Wouldn't be the biggest thing wrong with him.

" Eric have you written any new poem? Can you dedicate it to me?" Eric is asleep in his van right now.

"Clary, does it make u jealous/nervous that Jace has had other experiences with other girls?" No, I know this is different.

" Simon, is high school different now that you're a vampire?" Suddenly, algebra is easier. Ok, not really.

"Magnus, I know u're w/ Alec & everything but if u could have any girl, who would it be?" I can have any girl.

" Magnus, if Camille wanted you back would you be with her or stay with Alec?" Guess you'll find out.

" Simon: What was your first thought about the kiss of Clary & Jace in the Seelie Court?" Murderous rage.

" Aline, have you gotten a girlfriend yet?" Yes, her name is Helen.

"Would Roiben date Izzy??" He may be a bad boyfriend in other ways, but he's loyal to Kaye.

The Infernal Devices

" tessa, what's the best thing about Will?" When he goes away.

"Will, if you were forced to kiss either a duck or Magnus, who would you choose? Pick one." Magnus, I suppose.

" Ducks, how do you feel about Will?" Quack.

" Jessamine, you don't wanna be a shadowhunter. If you weren't one, what would you do for living?" Women don't work. "

" Will, will you ever open yourself to love?" You don't know what you're talking about/

" Will: Do you prefer your martinis shaken or stirred?" Martinis are ridiculous. Straight alcohol or nothing.

" Will, are ducks truly untrustworthy?" Yes. Always plotting, with those beady black eyes.

" Will, what proof do you have that demon pox exists?" I have a feeling. No-not THAT feeling.

"Will, do you have any tattoo that's not a shadowhunter runes?" I do.
Jace, as-tu des tatouages autre que ceux des Chasseurs d’ombre ? Non

"Jem, if you had to kiss either Will or Jessamine, which would you kiss?" Will would be less likely to kill me for doing it.

"Jem: Is there anything you really want to do before you die?" I'd like to love someone like my father did my mother.

" Sophie, how much would I need to pay you to stay the hell away from Jem?" Sophie: Well, I never.

" Will: What is your tattoo? Where is it?" It's in honor of my birthplace. That's all I can say.

" Will, is your tattoo a red dragon on your bum?" I see you know the flag of my homeland.

" Will, do you still have your v-card?" Pretty sure Will doesn't know what that is.

" Camille, do you still have feelings for Magnus?" Oh, yes. We shared a great love. I'm sure he feels the same.

" Jem, what's your favorite thing to do besides killing demons and saving people`?" Play the violin.

" Will: Why dont you ever let someone- anyone- know what you're going through?" Because I can't.

" Will your wet a lot, do you enjoy being wet?" It rains a lot in London.

" Jem, if you had to reveal one secret who would you reveal it to?" Will.

" Tessa, do you think Gabriel is handsome?" Objectively, he is, yes.

"Gabriel: Aside from ridding the world of the demon menace, what are your passions/hobbies?" Flirting. Riding (horses.)

" Tessa: What are your top five favorite books?" The Hidden Hand, Tale of Two Cities, P&P, Little Women, jane Eyre.

"Tessa: From 0 to 10(best) how'd you rate Will's kissing?" I have nothing to compare it to . . . yet."

" Jem: if you found a cure.. What would you do?" Live.

Henry, Have you made in things that could fly or any headway on time travel?" I'm working on this Portal gadget...

" Will: Whats the best thing that has ever happened to you?" Well, a beautiful naked woman once embraced me unexpectedly - but then I realized I was just drunk and had fallen over the statue of Venus in the foyer.

" Will,, if Tessa isn't a warlock,, would you still be rude to her?" I'm sure I'd find something else to be rude about.

"Jem what would you think if i said girls around the world are in love with you?" I would be very puzzled.

" Will: Do you trust anyone with your life?" I trust Jem."

Jem, and what would you think if one of those girls (yeah, me) wants to marry you?" I'd try to talk you out of it.

" WIll- Can you handle it if Jem dies?" I expect it. I imagine I'll be alone after that. I hope I don't live all that long.

" Will: do you trust Tessa?" Trust her to do what?

" Will: Dont u miss ur parents sometimes? or think about them?" Yes. But what's the difference?

"Jem, do you considered youself as a romantic man?" No one who says 'it's as good to love as be loved' is unromantic.

" Will: Do you miss Cecily?" Every day.

"Will, what was the 1st thing that went thru yr mind when u saw Tessa covered in blood by the fountain?" I had failed her.

" Will, what if Tessa had died? What would you have done?" Hated myself more,. I suppose.

" Jessamine, Did you ever have feelings for Jem or Will?" God, no. Will's pretty but insane and Jem's diseased. Ugh.

" Sophie, have you forgiven the man who hurt you?" No, and I never will.

" Will: would you rather travel back in time or forward into the future?" Back in time. Who wants to know how they die?

" Jem: why did you take Church with you???" He seemed like a nice cat.

" Camille,, have you ever dating someone after Magnus?" I've dated everyone after Magnus.

" Jessamine: What's your opinion on Gabriel Lightwood?" Pretty green eyes, wasted on a Shadowhunter.

" Gabriel Lighwood,, are you single?" Rather an improper question but yes.

" Jem, i found the cure!" Now that is just mean!

" Will Herondale,, you always rude to everyone but Jem.. Why Jem?" Jem is different.

" Tessa: Have you ever felt something more than friendship for Jem?" Jem? Oh, I don't think so.

" Jem, are you proud of who you are?" Not with a foolish pride, I think — but neither am I ashamed.

" awwww church quit with the biting.." No, he bites Will a bunch in CP.
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